Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Reduce Your Plate Size

I don't know if it's just us but we seem to have very large plates. I can remember eating at my grandparents years ago and the plates seemed to be so much smaller.

When I was making the changes to my eating and exercise habits, I also realised that I was feeling so uncomfortable after eating because I was eating everything on my plates.

So, another of my big tips is 'reduce your plate size'. I started eating off a pasta plate instead of a dinner plate; I was enjoying the meal so much more because I wasn't eating for the sake of it and therefore feeling bloated for the rest of the evening.

It also means that I have food left for the next day, as one plate of food is split into two. (I am a nightmare for not being bothered to get food during the day, which has the knock on effect of being ravenous when dinner arrives and overeating yet again.)

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